Julia was born with very significant disabilities and faced serious medical challenges throughout her life. Despite this, she truly lived life to the fullest and gave us great joy. Through Julia we met many other remarkable individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Frequently, we were struck by both the unbelievable potential these individuals possessed and the myriad of challenges that they and their loved ones faced.
When Julia passed away, we wanted to do something that would honor her memory in a meaningful way. It soon became clear to us that building a foundation that attempted to make the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families a little bit easier was exactly what we wanted to do.
Our hope is that the Foundation can help individuals with disabilities in some small way. Whether it’s providing a piece of medical equipment, giving devices to enable communication, supporting educational programs, running cooking classes or doing other things, it is our goal to have some positive impact on others.
We thank you for your interest in and support of our organization.
Cliff and Teri Kirsch